Die Zürcher Verlobung

Lajityyppi: Feature film / Trailer
Vuosi: 1956/1957
Kesto: 03:16 min
Kuvaus: Getting Engaged in Zürich / The Affairs of JulieTalented young writer Juliane Thomas has just broken up with her longtime boy friend Jürgen Kolbe. Shortly after, at her uncle′s dental practice, she meets Jean Berner, a charming Swiss doctor, and his gruff friend Paul Frank, nicknamed "Buffalo", a famous movie director. Juliane falls head over heels in love with Jean, and when a film production company buys her new novel to adapt it into a screen play, everything seems to fall into place. But then it turns out, that no one else but "Buffalo" is going to be the film′s director. Based on the best-selling novel by Barbara Noack.
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Kinowelt Home Entertainment GmbH
Ohjaaja: Helmut Käutner
Language: de